Arthur Murray's methods

For over 100 years, Arthur Murray has perfected a teaching method that makes learning to dance easy, fast and fun.

What is the Arthur Murray methodology?

1. Arthur Murray’s method is based on the natural predispositions of each person, an individuals dance learning pace and simple dance movements.

2. You can come to our dance course with a partner or learn and dance as a couple with an instructor.

3. We teach not only one dance but also how to find yourself on the dance floor with each partner dancing to any type of music.

Students start with an introductory program and progress through the Associate Bronze, Full Bronze, Silver, and Gold programs.

Associate Bronze

The Associate Bronze Program will help you gain the freedom to move around the court while increasing your figure repertoire. This program is perfect for those who want to feel confident dancing to any type of music with any partner.

Full Bronze

The Full Bronze is perfect for advanced dancers looking to improve their timing and technique in all of the most popular ballroom dances. You will be able to move gracefully on the dance floor and you will start to develop your own unique style!


Silver is a dance standard with a high degree of stylistics. More refined movements will make Silver dancers stand out on any dance floor, attracting attention with their natural style in an exciting way that only they can!


The Arthur Murray Gold program is the perfect way to become an outstanding dancer. Choreography, styling, technique and performance are important elements of the Gold program, so you can be sure that you will be the master of the dance floor at any event!

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