
Samba originated in Bahia, Brazil and has become popular in Rio de Janeiro. The melodies of this dance are a fusion of African and Latin American rhythms creating a unique and lively sound that is irresistible.


Samba originated in Bahia, Brazil and has become popular in Rio de Janeiro. The melodies of this dance are a fusion of African and Latin American rhythms creating a unique and lively sound that is irresistible.

This Brazilian dance was an instant hit when it was first introduced to American audiences in 1929 and it’s easy to see why.

Since then, it has been a staple of Rio’s Carnival – a world-famous event known for its outrageous parties and costumes. If you want to get into the carnival spirit, learning Samba is a must!

Don’t miss your chance to learn this exhilarating dance – sign up for Samba classes at Arthur Murray Dance Studio today!

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