
Argentine tango comes from Buenos Aires it is a dance that will quickly ignite your passion. The tango moves are fluid and sensual, and you’ll love the music and culture behind the dance.


Argentine tango comes from Buenos Aires it is a dance that will quickly ignite your passion. The tango moves are fluid and sensual, and you’ll love the music and culture behind the dance.

Tango can be described as body language, showing the emotions and feelings of the partners. Tango’s passion initially even caused controversy in society, but over time even the greatest skeptics succumbed to the charm of tango.

The most famous compositions for Tango were created during the golden era of Hollywood, i.e. the 1930s-1950s, so be sure to try something from that period to feel the spirit of the dance. Among the most recognizable choreographies that you may remember from old movies are Carlos Gardel’s “Por una Cabeza” and Gerardo Rodriguez’s “La Cumparsita”.

Tango is the perfect dance for beginners to understand the principles of couple communication. In further Tango lessons, you will improve your skills by creating more advanced routines that will impress every viewer. Try it and see for yourself that you can learn Tango quickly and easily at Arthur Murray Dance Studio!

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